The need for an independent voice in the boardroom has never been greater. The boardroom is the governing body of every business, which makes having foresight and insight into the dynamics of the wider business-world not only imperative internally, but is also highly attractive to major shareholders.

The world doesn't need more pale, stale, male boardrooms. Independent, well-governed boards with a unique, objective understanding of direction and where to focus their growth - this is the future. This is what investors are looking for.

What is an Independent Director

Bringing an Independent Director to your business is naturally a big decision. When a board is stuck in its ways, introducing new blood can feel daunting at the very least. The reality for many boardrooms is that the decisions being made behind closed doors are negatively impacting the business, the people and the values.

Of course, this is unintentional, stemming from a group of individuals who believe in what they're doing and saying. However, when you bring in an objective voice, you are able to dig into where things are going wrong and ensure that these opinions, motivations and choices being made are unbiased.

As an Independent Director, I have no vested interest in the internal decisions being made. I have no skin in the game. My opinion is one of knowledge and expertise, built upon years of networking, connections and being at the forefront of the shift to the online world.  I seek only positive outcomes for all involved.

I use my position in the boardroom to bring you relevant, must-have information accumulated from my experience of the past, my position in the present and my foresight of trends of the future, so that you can prepare for the risks and road ahead without compromising your business.

Every boardroom needs an unbiased voice. Without one, you will always be making the decisions you want rather than the ones you need?

Work with me

Institutional vs. Network Thinking

When you are responsible for a public listed company, and public shareholders, the impact of your decisions and choices spreads far further than internal operations. Over the course of time, this has created an Institutional way of thinking.

Institutional Thinking is...

Closed, Selective, Controlling

Due to the demands of shareholders and public policy, in a conventional institution, there was - and in some cases, still is - a need to be highly selective with the information being absorbed and how you utilise it.

However, no matter how conventional your business or organisation is, there has been a shift in around the world.

Institutional Thinking no longer guarantees us to meet external and internal demands. The introduction to the online world and continuous globalisation has opened the door to a new way of thinking. One which every business and boardroom must work towards, if they want longevity in the modern world.

Network Thinking is...

Open, Random, Supportive

We are currently in a period of transition between Institutional Thinking and Network Thinking. There are many institutions which have survived over the course of centuries, despite being deemed 'traditional' and criticised for not changing fast enough. However, without change, these institutions - and now, businesses - would not survive. Change needs to be embraced, and with the dynamic, fast-paced nature of the current world we live in, there's no time like the present to begin instilling more 'Network Thinking' approaches to our boardrooms.

Switching from Institutional Thinking to Network Thinking, is a process. It's one which impacts the business and its shareholders from the inside out, and it is one which will not happen overnight. Having an experienced Independent Director to help you navigate this time of change, could be the make or break difference of surviving it.


"Thomas Power walks his talk thoroughly, which makes him an inspiring leader. He is involved with the cutting edge of technology and yet he weaves in age-old values that ensure that a 21st-century web-based business offers a very positive human experience for all involved who are open to receive it. For anyone who wants insights into how to do things right, Thomas Power is definitely someone to look into."

Tony Burgess | Pink Bucket Thinking

"Thomas engages anyone he is with and really makes you think hard about the 'alternatives'. His role-modelling will make you question your own thinking and will make you to look at your business from elevated positions. I can not recommend Thomas enough."

Lee Smallwood | FIDM

"Thomas is a networker extraordinaire. Before long he will be the center of the LinkedIn universe and all requests will pass through him."

Sean Parker | Co-Founder Facebook & Spotify

How could I help you

Independent Director

Bring me on Board

If you're looking for an Independent Director to bring an objective voice to your boardroom, please fill out the contact form and tell me about your business or organisation.


1-1 Consulting

I work 1-1 with CEOs, MDs, COOs and senior leaders to navigate the risks ahead. In this time of transition and change, I offer my insights and knowledge to best prepare you for the future.



Keynote Speaking and Events

If you're looking to offer your audience guidance and expertise in navigating the online world, reach out and ask me to speak at your event


Podcasts and Clubhouse Interviews

I am always willing to discuss my work, my journey and the past, present and future of business with podcast and Clubhouse hosts.


Business Is Personal


Co-founded alongside my wife, Penny Power OBE, discover our exclusive, 100-person supportive online community of like-minded experts on the path to building a life & business they love.



Find out more about our Mastermind programme, a series of in-person events for those at the top of their profession, who are serious about growing professionally and personally.